Wednesday 24 November 2010

Introduction and Reflection on glogster book report

Introduction: The book I chose to do is called a Great and Terrible Beauty it was written by Libba Bray. A Great and Terrible Beauty is a historical fiction based in 1895. A Great and Terrible Beauty is about Gemma Doyle, who just witnessed her mothers suicide and she doesn't know why. After her mothers death 16 year old Gemma is sent away to Spence Academy for young ladies, it is her at Spece that Gemma's capability of creating supernatural powers where she can travel in between world is revealed.

Reflection: Throughout this book you will began to realize many characters are not who they say they are, the book is full off pseudonym's which makes it hard to figure out protagonists and antagonists. And Gemma often finds it hard to corroborate information, and finds herself derived of many friends and loved one's throughout her adventure. As Kirkus Reviews says, "Shivery with both passion and terror." I think that A Great and Terrible Beauty is definitely a book that most avid girl readers will enjoy (I would say avid because the book is 403 pages long.) However one thing i didn't like about any of the books in the Gemma Doyle series is that the book doesn't give you any need to nor do you show much lackadaisical in reading the book until you get a little ways in.